
Empowering Document Analysis Unveiling AWS Textract, Comprehend, and S3 Integration

Introduction Hey everyone, glad to have you here for another interesting blog post! Recently, someone asked me for help—they wanted to figure … Read The Full News

Exploring AWS Integrations with Microsoft Power Automate

Introduction Microsoft Power Automate is a cloud-based workflow automation platform for automating recurring tasks & business processes. Every “flow” in Power Automate … Read The Full News

Unlocking Document Processing at Scale with Amazon Textract: A High-Level Machine Learning Service – Part 2

Introduction Welcome to the second part of our blog series, “Unlocking Document Processing at Scale with Amazon Textract.” In our previous installment, … Read The Full News


AWS CodeWhisperer: A Generative AI Companion for Coding

What is CodeWhisperer? AWS CodeWhisperer is a machine learning coding companion that suggests code recommendations in real time to enhance developer efficiency … Read The Full News

Evaluating CNAPP Solutions for AWS

Introduction CNAPP stands for Cloud-Native Application Protection Platform. CNAPP is a new category of software security products, that encompass the functionalities of … Read The Full News

Decommission & Cleanup Legacy S3 Buckets at Scale

Introduction As part of a multi-year large-scale restructuring of our 90+ AWS accounts, we recently migrated a lot of workloads from legacy … Read The Full News

Automate File Processing with S3 Event Notifications

Consider a scenario where you need to perform some kind of automated processing on files that arrive at a particular location as … Read The Full News

Understanding Amazon S3 Encryption Mechanisms

S3 provides several encryption mechanisms to protect your data at rest. These can be broadly categorized into server-side encryption & client-side encryption. … Read The Full News

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