AWS Glue version 2.0 featuring 10x faster job start times and 1-minute minimum billing duration

With Glue version 2.0, job startup delay is more predictable and has less overhead. In addition, AWS Glue version 2.0 Spark jobs will be billed in 1-second increments with a 10x lower minimum billing duration—from a 10-minute minimum to a 1-minute minimum. As a result, customers can now run micro-batch, deadline sensitive, interactive workloads more cost effectively. Customers can run micro-batch jobs to quickly load data lakes, data warehouses, and databases and enable real-time analytics. With faster job start times, customers can run SLA driven data pipelines more reliably. Faster job start times also enable interactive data exploration and experimentation. Glue version 2.0 also provides a new capability to install Python modules from a wheel file or from a repository.